Títulos adquiridos

Digital marketing strategy : an integrated approach to online marketing

AUTOR: Simon Kingsnorth
COTA: CO/254-BC 

EDITOR: Kogan Page
ANO: 2022
RESUMO: Build an effective and practical digital marketing strategy with this bestselling guide, covering everything from automation and analytics to integrating AI. Digital Marketing Strategy is a global bestseller, and a one-stop guide to structuring and building a more strategic approach to digital marketing. Now fully updated, this third edition covers the integration of AI in marketing, e-commerce, marketing automation, affiliate marketing and how to use digital analytical tools, plus new strategies for the latest cookie changes and privacy protection.Digital Marketing Strategy will show you how to effectively select, align and manage digital channels and operations, to streamline a successful digital marketing strategy for measurable, optimized results. Recommended by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), it is supported by real-world case studies from the likes of Coca-Cola, Spotify, Airbnb, Adidas and Hostelworld as well as checklists, key terms and insights from leading industry practitioners to help you develop your own digital marketing strategy. This book is an invaluable guide for both digital marketing students and entry-level to mid-management marketing professionals.Accompanying online resources consist of practical implementation guides spanning SEO, paid-search, email, lead-generation, as well as presentation slides and activity sheets.

Horário de Funcionamento
De 2.ª a 6.ª feira das 10.00h às 22.30h

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1749-024 LISBOA

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Tel.: + 351 21 751 55 00 – Ext. 711 e 713

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