Títulos adquiridos

Python machine learning : machine learning and deep learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow

AUTOR: Samuel Burns
COTA: IN/414-BC 

ANO: 2019
RESUMO: This book will teach you machine learning classifiers using scikit-learn and tenserflow . The book provides a great overview of functions you can use to build a support vector machine, decision tree, perceptron, and k-nearest neighbors. Thanks of this book you will be able to set up a learning pipeline that handles input and output data, pre-processes it, selects meaningful features, and applies a classifier on it. This book offers a lot of insight into machine learning for both beginners, as well as for professionals, who already use some machine learning techniques. Concepts and the background of these concepts are explained clearly in this tutorial.

Horário de Funcionamento
De 2.ª a 6.ª feira das 10.00h às 22.30h

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1749-024 LISBOA

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Tel.: + 351 21 751 55 00 – Ext. 711 e 713

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