Serviço Social
Revistas em Linha acessíveis na Universidade Lusófona
- Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work
- Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work & Development
- Asian Social Work and Policy Review
- AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv
- Australian Social Work
- Child Abuse Review
- Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal
- Child & Family Social Work
- Child Maltreatment
- Child Welfare
- Child & Youth Services
- Children & Schools
- Children & Society
- China Journal of Social Work
- Clinical Social Work Journal
- Cuaderno de Trabajo Social
- Education & Treatment of Children
- Ethics and Social Welfare
- European Journal of Social Work
- Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services
- Health and Social Work
- Health & Social Care in the Community
- International Social Work
- Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma
- Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma
- Journal of child sexual abuse
- Journal of Community Practice
- Journal of early intervention
- Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect
- Journal of Ethnic And Cultural Diversity in Social Work
- Journal of Family Social Work
- Journal of Family Violence
- Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services
- Journal of gerontological social work
- Journal of health and human services administration
- Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment
- Journal of Interpersonal Violence: Concerned with the Study and Treatment of Victims and Perpetrators of Physical and Sexual Violence
- Journal of Progressive Human Services
- Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work
- Journal of social service research
- Journal of Social Work
- Journal of Social Work Education
- Journal of Social Work in End-Of-Life & Palliative Care
- Journal of Social Work Practice
- Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions
- Journal of Teaching in Social Work
- Practice - Social Work in Action
- Psychoanalytic social work
- Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice
- Research on Social Work Practice
- Smith College Studies in Social Work
- Social Work Education
- Social work in health care
- Social Work in Mental Health
- Social Work in Public Health
- Social Work Research
- Social Work with Groups
Revistas em Linha disponíveis em acesso aberto
- Acciones e Investigaciones Sociales
- Aggression and violent behavior
- Amérique Latine: Histoire et Mémoire
- AmeriQuests
- Case Reports in Medicine
- Child Abuse & Neglect
- ConCienciaSocial
- Conflicto Social
- Cuadernos de Investigación en Juventud
- Dilemas: Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social
- European Public & Social Innovation Review
- Forced Migration Review
- International Medical Case Reports Journal
- Intervenção social
- Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies
- Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration
- Journal of Comparative Social Work
- Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research
- Ljetopis Studijskog Centra Socijalnog Rada
- Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
- Pretextos
- Psychosocial Intervention
- Public Management: An International Journal of Research and Theory
- REDES: Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales
- Revista Argentina de Estudios de Juventud
- RES: Revista de Educación Social
- Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Envelhecimento Humano
- Revista de Direitos Sociais, Seguridade e Previdência Social
- Revista Claves de Educación Social
- Revista Diferença
- Revista Griot
- Revista katálysis
- Revista Mundos do Trabalho
- Scripta Nova
- Social Agenda
- Social Geography Discussions
- Social Work and Society
- Sozial Extra
- Soziale Passagen
- Sociétés et Jeunesses en Difficulté
- Sombras e Luzes : Revista de Direção Geral de Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais
- Textos & Contextos (Porto Alegre)
- Trabajo Social
- Trabajo y Sociedad
- Trauma, Violence and Abuse: A Review Journal
- Violence Against Women
Ebooks em acesso aberto disponível em linha
- COMISSÃO EUROPEIA - Os seus direitos de segurança social em Portugal
- Cuestiones de teoría sociológica
- Entre polis y mercado: el análisis sociológico de las grandes transformaciones políticas y laborales en América Latina
- EGGSI - Active ageing and gender equality policies : the employment and social inclusion of women and men of late working and early retirement age
- FONSECA, Lucinda ; SILVA, Sandra - Saúde e imigração: utentes e serviços na área de influência do Centro de Saúde da Graça
- Fuerza de trabajo y movimientos laborales en América Latina
- Gewalt als Risiko in der offenen Jugendarbeit: Eine professionstheoretische Analyse
- Global social work: Crossing borders, blurring boundaries
- Junge Frauen mit Lernschwierigkeiten zwischen Selbst- und Fremdbestimmung: Ergebnisse aus einem partizipativen Forschungsprozess
- Kinder- und Jugendhilfereport 2018: Eine kennzahlenbasierte Analyse
- Markets, rights and power in Australian social policy
- Mehrdimensionale Bildung im Kontext Kommunaler Bildungslandschaften: Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven
- Professional Social Work in Australia
- Selling Transracial Adoption: Families, Markets, and the Color Line
- The Service User as a Partner in Social Work Projects and Education: Concepts and Evaluations of Courses with a Gap-Mending Approach in Europe
- Soziale Arbeit als Profession: Zur Karriere "sozialer Hilfstätigkeit“ aus professionssoziologischer Perspektive
- Soziale Arbeit in der Migrationsgesellschaft
- Soziale Arbeit und soziale Frage(n)
- Soziale Netzwerke in gemeinschaftlichen Wohnprojekten: Eine empirische Analyse von Freundschaften und sozialer Unterstützung
- La solidaridad: Otra forma de ser joven en las comunas de Medellín
- Wegbegleitung, Trost und Hoffnung: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zum Umgang mit Sterben, Tod und Trauer
- Wirkungsevaluation mobiler Jugendarbeit: Methodische Zugänge und empirische Ergebnisse
Documentos técnicos em linha disponíveis em Acesso Aberto
- European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
- EU Publications (toxicodependência e consumo de drogas)
- Inserção social e desenvolvimento local : análise de algumas iniciativas de desenvolvimento comunitário
- Instituto da Segurança Social
- SICAD - Serviço de Intervenção nos Comportamentos Aditivos e nas Dependências - Descritivo de respostas e intervenções do plano de ação para a redução dos comportamentos aditivos e dependências
- SICAD - Serviço de Intervenção nos Comportamentos Aditivos e nas Dependências - Situação do pais em matéria do alcool
Instituições e Associações
- D.A.R.E. - Drug Abuse Resistance Education
- Federação Internacional de Assistentes Sociais
- Infogerontologia
- EUGMS - Eruropean Unio Geriatric Medicine Society
- European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
- European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
- Observatório Nacional luta contra a pobreza
- Segurança Social
- SCIE - Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Social Research Update
- WHO - World Health Organization