Revistas em Linha acessíveis na Universidade Lusófona
- Acta archaeologica
- African Archaeological Review
- Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia
- Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
- Archaeological Journal
- Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association
- Archaeological Prospection
- Archaeological Research in Asia
- Archaeologies: journal of the World Archaeological Congress
- Archaeometry
- Arabian archaeology and epigraphy
- Archaeology in Oceania
- Australian Archaeology
- Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa
- California Archaeology
- Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites
- Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
- Environmental Archaeology (The Journal of Human Palaeoecology) Online
- Ethnos
- Geoarchaeology
- Historical Archaeology
- Industrial archaeology review
- International Journal of Historical Archaeology
- International Journal of Nautical Archaeology
- International journal of osteoarchaeology
- Ichnos: An International Journal for Plant and Animal Traces
- Journal of anthropological archaeology
- Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory
- Journal of Archaeological Research
- Journal of archaeological science
- Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
- Journal of the British Archaeological Association
- Journal of Conflict Archaeology
- Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
- Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology
- Journal of the Institute of Conservation
- Journal of Field Archaeology
- Journal of Maritime Archaeology
- Journal of Social Archaeology
- Journal of world prehistory
- Landscapes
- Levant: The Journal of the Council for British Research in the Levant
- Lithic Technology
- Medieval archaeology
- Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology
- Ñawpa Pacha (Journal of Andean Archaeology)
- Norwegian archaeological review
- Open Archaeology
- Oxford journal of archaeology
- Palestine Exploration Quarterly
- Post-medieval archaeology
- Public Archaeology
- Southeastern archaeology
- Studies in conservation
- Yorkshire Archaeological Journal (A Review of History and Archaeology in the County)
- World Archaeology
Revistas em Linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
- AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology
- Archaeobios
- ArcheoArte: Rivista Elettronica di Archeologia e Arte
- Archaeology
- Archaeology International
- Archivo Español de Arqueología
- Arqueologia
- Archeologia e Calcolatori
- Arqueología de la Arquitectura
- Arqueología Iberoamericana
- British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan
- Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
- Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology
- Chronika
- Dissertationes Archaeologicae: Ex Instituto Archaeologico Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae
- Heritage Science
- Historische Archäologie
- Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica: Natural Sciences in Archaeology
- Internet Archaeology
- Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology
- Journal of Caribbean Archaeology
- Journal of Neolithic Archaeology
- Journal of Open Archaeology Data
- Memorias: Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueologia desde Caribe
- Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia
- Nailos: Estudios Interdisciplinares de Arqueología
- Newsletter Archeologia
- Papers from the Institute of Archaeology
- Prilozi Instituta za Arheologiju u Zagrebu
- Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France
- Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica
- Traces in Time
ebooks em linha disponíveis em acesso aberto
- ALTAWEEL, Mark; SQUITIERI, Andrea - Revolutionizing a World: From Small States to Universalism in the Pre-Islamic Near East
- ANDERSON, Atholl; KENNETT, Douglas J. - Taking the High Ground: The archaeology of Rapa, a fortified island in remote East Polynesia
- ATTEMA, Peter A. J.; BURGERS, Gert-Jan L. M. - Regional Pathways to Complexity: Settlement and Land-Use Dynamics in Early Italy from the Bronze Age to the Republican Period
- BAILEY, Geoff... [et al.] (ed.) - The Archaeology of Europe’s Drowned Landscapes
- BEDFORD, Stuart - Pieces of the Vanuatu Puzzle: Archaeology of the North, South and Centre
- BELLWOOD, Peter - Prehistory of the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago: Revised Edition
- BELLWOOD, Peter (ed.) - The Spice Islands in Prehistory:: Archaeology in the Northern Moluccas, Indonesia
- BROCKWELL, Sally; O'CONNOR, Sue; BYRNE, Denis - Transcending the Culture–Nature Divide in Cultural Heritage: Views from the Asia–Pacific region
- CHRISTIE, Jessica Joyce; BOGDANOVIC, Jelena; GUZMÁN, Eulogio - Political Landscapes of Capital Cities
- COOPER, Jago; SHEETS, Payson - Surviving Sudden Environmental Change: Answers From Archaeology
- FISCHER, Peter M.; BÜRGER, Teresa; WILD, Eva Maria - Tell Abu al-Kharaz in the Jordan Valley: Volume III: The Iron Age
- HABERLE, Simon G.; DAVID, Bruno - Peopled Landscapes: Archaeological and Biogeographic Approaches to Landscapes
- KURNICK, Sarah; BARON, Joanne - Political Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica
- LISTON, Jolie; CLARK, Geoffrey; ALEXANDER, Dwight - Pacific Island Heritage: Archaeology, Identity & Community
- MARTIN, Stéphane - Rural Granaries in Northern Gaul (Sixth Century BCE – Fourth Century CE): From Archaeology to Economic History
- MCCARTHY, John K....[et al.] (ed.) - 3D Recording and Interpretation for Maritime Archaeology
- MILNER, Nicky; CONNELLER, Chantal; TAYLOR, Barry - Star Carr: A Persistent Place in a Changing World
- MILNER, Nicky; CONNELLER, Chantal; TAYLOR, Barry - Star Carr: Studies in Technology, Subsistence and Environment
- ONO, Rintaro; MORRISON, Alex; ADDISON, David - Prehistoric Marine Resource Use in the Indo-Pacific Regions
- ROSENFELD, Silvana A.; BAUTISTA, Stefanie L. - Rituals of the Past: Prehispanic and Colonial Case Studies in Andean Archaeology
- ROSENOW, Daniela [et al.] - Things that Travelled: Mediterranean Glass in the First Millennium AD
- STEVENSON, Alice (ed.) - Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology: Characters and Collections
- STEVENSON, Alice - Scattered Finds: Archaeology, Egyptology and Museums
- SUTTON, Mark Q.; SOBOLIK, Kristin D.; GARDNER, Jill K. - Paleonutrition
Revistas em Linha acessíveis na Universidade Lusófona
- Contemporary British History
- Contemporary Japan
- Contemporary Security Policy
- Contemporary South Asia
- Contemporary Southeast Asia
- Defence studies
- European Journal of Futures Research
- Journal of Contemporary Asia
- Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe
- Journal of contemporary China
- Journal of Contemporary European Studies
- Journal of Contemporary History
- Journal of Developing Societies
- Journal of Iberian & Latin American Studies
- Journal of modern Italian studies
- Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society
- South Asian Diaspora
Bases de Dados em linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
Revistas em Linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
- Almanack
- China Perspectives
- Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos
- Electronic journal of contemporary Japanese studies
- Historia Constitucional
- Mediterranea
- Public History Review
- Quest : Issues in Contemporary Jewish History.
- Review of European Studies
- Rural History Today
- Storicamente
- Tempo e Argumento
- Tiempos Modernos. Revista electrónica de Historia Moderna
- Zeithistoriche forschungen: studys in contemporary history
ebooks em linha disponíveis em acesso aberto
Instituições e Associações
Revistas em Linha acessíveis na Universidade Lusófona
Bases de Dados em linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
Revistas em Linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
- Aristonothos : Scritti per il Mediterraneo Antico
- Bryn Mawr Classical Review
- Cahiers des études anciennes
- Cahiers Mondes Anciens
- Codex: Revista de Estudos Clássicos
- Digital Classics Online
- Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie II, Historia Antigua
- Fera
- Gerión
- Göttinger forum für altertumswissenschaft
- Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies
- The historical review
- Humanitas
- Talia Dixit
- Tekmeria
ebooks em linha disponíveis em acesso aberto
- KAAL, Harm; SLOOTJES, Daniëlle - New Perspectives on Power and Political Representation from Ancient History to the Present Day: Repertoires of Representation
- VERHAGEN, Philip (ed.); JOYCE, Jamie (ed.); GROENHUIJZEN, Mark R. (ed.) - Finding the Limits of the Limes : Modelling Demography, Economy and Transport on the Edge of the Roman Empire
Instituições e Associações
Revistas em Linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
- Accesos
- Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia
- Acta historiae artis Slovenica
- Afrique
- Alejandría
- Anales de Historia del Arte
- Armiliar
- Ars Journal
- Art-Sanat
- Arte, individuo y sociedad
- Arte e investigación
- Artlas
- Artium Quaestiones
- Atrio
- Barcelona Research Art Creation = Barcelona, Recerca, Art, Creació
- Boletín de arte
- Cesura
- Cuadernos de Arte de la Universidad de Granada
- Cuadernos de historia del arte
- Eikón/Imago
- Engramma
- Espacio, tiempo y forma
- Fenestella
- Figure
- Hallazgos
- Imafronte
- Journal of art history
- La Diana
- Laboratorio de Arte
- Locus
- Locvs Amoenvs
- Matèria
- Mayurqa
- MDCCC 1800
- Mimesis journal
- Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide
- Orbis Idearum
- Panorama
- Papireto
- Peregrinations
- React/review
- Revista Digital de Iconografía Medieval
- Revista de História da Arte
- Saeculum Christianum
- Studies in anciente art and civilization
- Southeast of Now
- Tate papers
Revistas em Linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
Revistas em Linha acessíveis na Universidade Lusófona
Revistas em Linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
- Afriques: débats, méthodes et terrains d'histoire
- Anuari de Filologia. Antiqva e Mediaevalia
- Anuario de Estudios Medievales
- Bulletin du Centre d’études médiévales d’Auxerre
- Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos
- De Medio Aevo
- Doctor Vistualis
- E-Keltoi
- E-Spania
- En la España Medieval
- Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie III, Historia Medieval
- The heroic age
- Hispania Sacra
- Historia (São Paulo)
- Historia. Instituciones. Documentos
- Imago Temporis: Medium Aevum
- Journal of Medieval History
- The Heroic Age: a journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe
- Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals
- Marginalia: the journal of the Medieval reading group at the University of Cambridge
- Medieval Archaeology
- Medieval History Journal
- Medieval Worlds
- Medievalia
- Medievalismo
- Medievalista online
- Peregrinations
- Remm: revenue des monde musulmants et de la Méditerranée
- Reti Medievali : Rivista
- Revista Chilena de Estudios Medievales
- Revista de Indias
- Revista Electrónica Historias del Orbis Terrarum
- Scripta: Revista Internacional de Literatura i Cultura Medieval i Moderna
- Sankofa: Revista de História da África e de Estudos da Diáspora
- Storicamente
- Tabularia: sources écrites de la Normandie médiévale
- Temas Medievales
ebooks em linha disponíveis em acesso aberto
- ALLEN, Martin; DAVIES, Matthew - Medieval Merchants and Money: Essays in Honour of James L. Bolton
- BATES, David; D'ANGELO, Edoardo; HOUTS, Elisabeth van - People, Texts and Artefacts: Cultural Transmission in the Medieval Norman Worlds
- BLUD, Victoria; HEATH, Diane; KLAFTER, Einat - Gender in medieval places, spaces and thresholds
- CANDIDO, Igor (ed.) - Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-modern World
- FARMER, Sharon - Communities of Saint Martin: Legend and Ritual in Medieval Tours
- HEEBOLL-HOLM - Thomas K - Ports, Piracy and Maritime War: Piracy in the English Channel and the Atlantic, c. 1280-c. 1330
- HERRIN, Judith; NELSON, Jinty - Ravenna: its role in earlier medieval change and exchange
- HIRSCHLER, Konrad - A Monument to Medieval Syrian Book Culture: The Library of Ibn ʿAbd al-Hādī
- HOVDEN, Eirik; LUTTER, Christina; POHL, Walter - Meanings of Community across Medieval Eurasia: Comparative Approaches
- KOSTICK, Conor - The Social Structure of the First Crusade
- KRAMER, Rutger - Rethinking Authority in the Carolingian Empire
- LEES, Clare A.; OVERING, Gillian R. - The Contemporary Medieval in Practice
- LONG, Micol; SNIJDERS, Tjamke; VANDERPUTTEN, Steven - Horizontal Learning in the High Middle Ages: Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Transfer in Religious Communities
- NELSON, Janet L.; REYNOLDS, Susan; JOHNS, Susan M. - Gender and Historiography: Studies in the earlier middle ages in honour of Pauline Stafford
- RICHARDSON, Kristina L. - Difference and Disability in the Medieval Islamic World: Blighted Bodies
- SCHOLL, Christian; GEBHARDT, Torben R.; CLAUß, Jan - Transcultural Approaches to the Concept of Imperial Rule in the Middle Ages
- SKINNER, Patricia - Living with Disfigurement in Early Medieval Europe
- VITIELO, Joanna Carraway - Public Justice and the Criminal Trial in Late Medieval Italy: Reggio Emilia in the Visconti Age
Instituições e Associações
Revistas em Linha acessíveis na Universidade Lusófona
Bases de Dados em linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
Revistas em Linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
- El Argonauta Español
- Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos
- Cuadernos de Historia Moderna
- Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo
- Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea
- Diciottesimo Secolo
- Les dossiers du Grihl
- E-Journal of Portuguese History
- Erasmo: Revista de Historia Bajomedieval y Moderna
- Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie IV, Historia Moderna
- História (São Paulo)
- Historia Constitucional
- Historia et ius
- The Historical Journal
- Historical Review
- Liame
- Manuscrits : revista d'història moderna
- Revista de Historia Moderna
- Revista Portuguesa de História Militar
- Scripta: Revista Internacional de Literatura i Cultura Medieval i Moderna
- Storicamente
- Tiempos Modernos. Revista electrónica de Historia Moderna
ebooks em linha disponíveis em acesso aberto
Revistas em Linha acessíveis na Universidade Lusófona
Bases de Dados em linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
revistas em linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
- Classical Historiography for Chinese History
- Afriques : Débats, Méthodes et Terrains d'Histoire
- Algazarra : Revista do Centro de Pesquisas Comunicação e Cultura
- Anuario de Estudios Medievales
- L’Atelier du Centre de recherches historiques
- Cadernos de História
- Cordis : Revista Eletrônica de História Social da Cidade
- Cromohs : cyber review of modern historiography
- e-Journal of Portuguese History
- Estudios de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea de México
- Estudos históricos
- El Futuro del Pasado
- Genre & Histoire
- The Graduate History Review
- Hispania Sacra
- História
- História (São Paulo)
- Historia critica
- História da Historiografia
- História e Diversidade
- Historiae
- Histórica
- Manuscrits: revista d'història moderna
- Prohistoria
- Projecto História
- Revista História da Faculdade Federal de Goiás
- Revista História & Perspectivas
- Saeculum
- Scandinavian Journal of History
- Tempo e Argumento
- Topoi
Bases de Dados em Acesso Aberto
Revistas em Linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
ebooks em linha disponíveis em acesso aberto
- BELLWOOD, Peter - Prehistory of the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago: Revised Edition
- BELLWOOD, Peter (ed.) - The Spice Islands in Prehistory: Archaeology in the Northern Moluccas, Indonesia
- CLARK, Geoffrey; ANDERSON, Atholl - The Early Prehistory of Fiji
- PIPER, Philip J.; MATSUMURA, Hirofumi; BULLBECK, David - New Perspectives in Southeast Asian and Pacific Prehistory