Bases de Dados em linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
- Admiralty & Maritime Law Guide
- Centro de Estudos Judiciários (CEJ) - eBooks
- Debates Parlamentares
- Diário da República Electrónico
- Electronic Journals Library
- Eur-Lex: acesso ao Direito da União Europeia
- European Court of Human Rights
- Legal Threats Database
- Legifrance
- LegisPalop
- MINISTÉRIO DA JUSTIÇA. Instituto das Tecnologias de Informação na Justiça - Bases Jurídico-Documentais
- Parline: database on National Parliaments
- United Nations - Human Rights - Jurisprudence
- United Nations Treaty Collection
Revistas em Linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
- ABA Journal
- ACDI : Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional
- Accounting, Economics and Law - A Convivium
- Acta Criminologica
- Acta Judicial
- Acta Juridica Hungarica
- Acta Universitatis Danubius
- Advanced Space Law
- Advocatus
- Aedon: Rivista di arti e diritto on line
- African Human Rights Law Journal
- Akron Intellectual Property Journal
- Akron Law Review
- Alabama Law Review
- Alaska Law Review
- African Human Rights Law Journal
- American Criminal Law Review
- American Journal of International Law
- The American Journal of Jurisprudence
- American Law and Economics Review
- American Law Review
- American Society for International Law Insights: ASIL Insights
- American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy, and the Law
- Amsterdam Law Forum
- Anuario de Derechos Humanos
- Annual survey of American law
- Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform
- Arbitration international
- Argumenta
- Arizona Attorney
- Army Lawyer
- Australian Feminist Law Journal
- Australasian Journal of Environmental Management
- Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences
- Australian Journal of Human Rights
- Beijing Law Review
- The Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law
- Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law
- Berkley Technology Law Journal
- Boletim do Ministério da Justiça
- Boletín de la Asociación Internacional de Derecho Cooperativo
- Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review
- Boston College International and Comparative Law Review
- Boston College Third World Law Journal
- Boston College Journal of Law & Social Justice
- Boston College Law Review
- Boston University Journal of Science and Technology Law
- Boston University International Law Journal
- Boston University Law Review
- Boston University Public Interest Law Journal
- Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics
- Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal
- Brigham Young University Law Review
- The British Journal of Criminology
- Buffalo Law Review
- Business Law Journal
- Business Law Review
- Business Law Today
- The BYU Journal of Public Law
- California Bar Journal
- California Law Review
- The Cambridge Law Review
- Campbell Law Review
- Campus Legal Advisor
- Canadian Judicial Council
- Capital Markets Law Journal
- Capital University Law Review
- Case Western Reserve Law Review
- Catholic University Law Review
- Católica Law Review
- Cleveland State Law Review
- Champ pénal/Penal field
- Chicago-Kent Law Review
- China Law Review
- Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal
- Ciencia Jurídica
- Chinese Journal of Comparative Law
- Chinese Journal of International Law
- Chinese Law & Government
- Catholic University Journal of Law and Technology
- Common Market Law Review
- Contemporary Justice Review
- Cornell International Law Journal
- Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy
- Cornell Law Review
- Creighton International and Comparative Law Journal
- Crime and justice
- Crime, Histoire & Sociétés
- Criminal Justice Matters
- Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society
- Crítica Penal y Poder
- Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional
- Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho
- Curentul Juridic
- Current Legal Problems
- Deakin Law Review
- The Delaware Journal of Corporate Law
- De Legibus
- Denver Journal of International Law and Policy
- Derecho Penal y Criminología
- Derecho PUCP
- Díkaion
- Direito, Estado e Sociedade
- Direito e Desenvolvimento
- Direito Público
- Direitos Fundamentais e Democracia
- Diritto Penale Contemporaneo
- Dispute Resolution Magazine
- Droit et Cultures
- Drug Science, Policy and Law
- Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum
- Duke Forum for Law & Social Change
- Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law
- Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy
- Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy
- Duke Law Journal
- East Asia Law Review
- EC Tax Review
- Ecclesiastical Law Journal
- Ecology Law Currents
- Elder Law Review
- Electronic communication law review
- Elon Law Review
- Emory Bankruptcy Developments
- Emory International Law Review
- Emory Law
- Emory Law Journal
- Energy Law Journal
- Entertainment and Sports Law Journal
- Environmental Claims Journal
- Environmental Law
- Espaço Jurídico : Journal of Law
- The Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy
- Estudios de Derecho
- European Business Law Review
- European Business Organization Law Review
- European Company and Financial Law Review
- European Constitutional Law Review
- European environmental law review
- European Journal of International Law
- European Journal of Law and Technology
- European Journal of Legal Studies
- Facta Universitatis Law and Politics
- Federal Courts Law Review
- Federal Law Review
- Federal Register
- feminists@law
- First Amendment Studies
- Fordham International Law Journal
- Fordham Law Review
- The Forum (Dickinson School of Law)
- Fundamina
- Galileu
- Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law
- Georgia Law Advocate
- Georgia State University Law Review
- Golden Gate University Environmental Law Journal
- Golden Gate University Law Review
- Göttingen Journal of International Law
- Hamline Law Review
- IN-Lex
- Harvard Human Rights Journal
- Harvard International Law Journal
- Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy
- Harvard Journal of Law and Technology
- Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law
- Health Economics, Policy and Law
- Historia Constitucional
- HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Review
- Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
- Houston Journal of Health Law and Policy
- IALS Student Law Review
- International and Comparative Law Quarterly
- International Journal of Cultural Property
- International Journal of Criminal Investigation
- International Journal of Labour Research
- International Journal of Law in Context
- International Journal of Law Reconstruction
- International Review of Law
- International Journal for Court Administration
- Italian Labour Law e-Journal
- The Italian Law Journal
- Ius et Praxis
- JIPITEC: Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law
- Journal of African Law
- The Journal of Constitucional Law
- Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
- Journal of Law and Legal Reform
- Journal of Legal Analysis
- Journal of Information, Law & Technology
- Journal of Intellectual Property Rights
- Journal of International Law and Politics
- Journal of Law and Commerce
- Journal of Law & Family Studies
- Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
- Journal of Politics and Law
- Journal of Private and Commercial Law
- Journal of Science and Technology Law
- Juridica International
- Jurisprudence
- The Justice System Journal
- Kenya Law Review
- Labour & Law Issues
- Law and Contemporary Problems
- Law and Method
- Law, Democracy & Development
- Law, Environment and Development Journal
- Law Review
- Law, Social Justice & Global Development
- The Law Teacher
- Law Text Culture
- Laws
- Legal and Administrative Studies
- Legal Information Management
- Legal Theory
- Lewis & Clark Law Review
- Lusíada Direito
- McGill Law Journal
- Melbourne Journal of International Law
- Merkourios: Utrecht Journal of International and European Law
- Meritum: Revista de Direito da Universidade FUMEC
- Michigan Law Review
- Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology
- Mizan Law Review
- The National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law
- Netherlands International Law Review
- No Foundations: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Law and Justice
- Nuevo Derecho
- Open Journal for Legal Studies
- Opinión Jurídica
- Pandecta: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Hukum
- Pensamiento Constitucional
- Pensamiento Juridico
- Perspectives of Law and Public Administration
- Pittsburgh Journal of Environmental and Public Health
- Pittsburgh Journal of Technology Law and Policy
- Prisma Jurídico
- Regulation & Governance
- Researching Law
- Revenue Law Journal
- Review of Banking and Financial Law
- Review of Economics and Institutions
- Review of Law & Economics
- Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal
- Revista Brasileira de Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais
- Revista Brasileira de Sociologia do Direito
- Revista Catalana de Dret Públic
- Revista Chilena de Derecho: Publicado por la Facultad de Derecho Universidad Católica de Chile
- Revista de Derecho
- Revista de Direito dos Monitores da Universidade Federal Fluminense
- Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicações
- Revista Direito GV
- Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa
- Revista da Ordem dos Advogados
- Revista de Derecho Fiscal
- Revista de Derecho (Coquimbo)
- Revista de Estudos Jurídicos UNESP
- Revista Direito e Práxis
- Revista do Direito
- Revista do Direito Público (Londrina)
- Revista de Educación y Derecho
- Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales
- Revista Española de Medicina Legal
- Revista de Estudios Jurídicos
- Revista de Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos
- Revista Estudios Socio-Jurídico
- Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UERJ
- Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
- Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
- Revista Gênero & Direito
- Revista Internacional de Derecho Romano
- Revista Jurídica de Investigación e Innovación Educativa
- Revista Jurídica Portucalense
- La Revue de l'Ires
- Revue de Droit International et de Droit Comparé
- Revue du Droit des Etrangers
- Revue générale de droit
- Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé
- Revue Juridique de l'Ouest
- Revue Juridique Themis
- Rivista di Criminologia, Vittimologia e Sicurezza
- Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest
- Roger Williams University Law Review
- Roman Legal Tradition
- RPC: Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases
- Rutgers Journal of Law & Religion
- Rutgers Law Record
- San Diego International Law Journal
- Santa Clara Journal of International Law
- Santa Clara Law Review
- Scientia Iuris
- Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal
- Seattle University Law Review
- Sequência: Estudos Juridicos e Politicos
- Seton Hall Circuit Review
- Seton Hall Law Review
- Seton Hall Legislative Journal
- Social & Legal Studies: An International Journal
- Socialist Lawyer
- South Carolina Journal of International Law and Business
- Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal
- Stanford Environmental Law Journal
- Stanford Journal of Animal Law and Policy
- Stanford Law and Policy Review
- Stanford Law Review
- Stanford Technology Law Review
- Statute Law Review
- Stetson Law Review
- St. John's Law Review
- Student Press Law Center Report
- Sydney Law Review
- Texas Review of Law & Politics
- Touro Law Review
- Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law
- Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research
- Tulsa Law Review
- U.C. Davis Law Review
- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy
- UCLA Law Magazine
- UCLA Law Review
- ULP Law Review / Revista de Direito da ULP
- Unbound: Harvard Journal of the Legal Left
- Unio
- United States Code
- University of Cincinnati law review
- University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform
- University of New South Wales Law Journal
- University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law
- University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change
- University of Pennsylvania Law Review
- University of Pittsburgh Law Review
- University of Richmond Law Review
- University of St. Thomas Law Journal
- UNLV Gaming Law Journal
- Utah Environmental Law Review
- Utah Law Review
- Utrecht Journal of International and European Law
- Vanderbilt journal of entertainment and technology law
- Vanderbilt Law Review
- Vermont journal of environmental law
- Villanova Environmental Law Journal
- Villanova law review
- Virginia Law Review
- Washburn law journal
- Washington & Lee Journal of Civil Rights & Social Justice
- Washington & Lee Law Review
- Washington International Law Journal
- Washington Journal of Environmental Law & Policy
- Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts
- Washington Lawyer
- Washington University Global Studies Law Review
- Washington University Journal of Law and Policy
- Washington University Jurisprudence Review
- Washington University Law Review
- Water Law
- Western New England Law Review
- William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal
- William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review
- William & Mary Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice
- William and Mary Law Review
- WIPO Magazine
- Wisconsin International Law Journal
- Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society
- Wisconsin Law Review
- World Competition
- World Trade and Arbitration Materials
- Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration and Economics
- Yale Journal of Law & Technology
- Yale Law Journal
- Yearbook of European Law
- Yearbook of International Environmental Law
ebooks em linha disponíveis em Acesso aberto
- Action injuriarum des léssions injurieuses en droit romain
- BELLO, Enzo Bello ; ENGELMANN, Wilson - Metodologia da Pesquisa em Direito
- CEJ - O Novo Processo Civil
- CEJ - Curso Complementar de Direito da Saúde: responsabilidade civil, penal e profissional
- CEJ - O Dano na Responsabilidade Civil
- CEJ - Direito do Consumo
- CEJ - Gestão Processual
- CEJ - Custas processuais: guia prático (5.ª ed.)
- CEJ - Inventário : o novo regime
- CEJ - Insolvência e consequências da sua declaração
- CEJ - Jurisdição da Família e das Crianças Jurisdição Civil, Processual Civil e Comercial Ações de formação : 2011-2012
- CEJ - Processo de Insolvência e ações Conexas
- CEJ - Responsabilidade Civil do Estado
- Direito Bancário
- COUTINHO, Francisco Pereira ; MONIZ, Graça Canto - Anuário de Proteção de Dados 2019
- DREXL, Josef - Data Access and Control in the Era of Connected Devices. Study on Behalf of the European Consumer Organisation BEUC
- The European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS 2021-2025)
- GLESS, Sabine ; SEELMANN, Kurt - Intelligente Agenten und das Recht
- JHERING, Rudolf von - A evolução do Direito
- MONSERRAT FILHO, José - Introdução ao Direito Espacial
- OLIVEIRA, Guilherme de - Textos de Direito da Família
- RISSE, Mathias - Human Rights and Artificial Intelligence
- SUBTIL, António Raposo ; SOARES, João Luz ; FERREIRA, António Pedro - Legislação Financeira Cabo Verde
- Unidroit - Principles of International Commercial Contracts 2016
- U.S. Department of Justice - Forensic examination of digital evidence: a guide for law enforcement
- WIPO - Technology Trends 2019 : Artificial Intelligence
- Yearbook of Comparative Labour Law Scholarship
Artigos em linha disponíveis em acesso aberto
- CATH, Corinne - Governing artificial intelligence: ethical, legal and technical opportunities and challenges
- CRABTREE, Andy ; MORTIER, Richard - Personal Data, Privacy and the Internet of Things: The Shifting Locus of Agency and Control
- GERADIN, Damien ; KUSCHEWSKY, Monika - Competition Law and Personal Data: Preliminary Thoughts on a Complex Issue
Documentos técnicos em linha disponíveis em acesso aberto
- COMISSÃO PARA A REFORMA DO IMPOSTO SOBRE O RENDIMENTO DAS PESSOAS COLETIVAS (2013) - Relatório final : uma reforma do IRC orientada para a competitividade, o crescimento e o emprego
- MINISTÉRIO DAS FINANÇAS E DA ADMINISTRAÇÃO PÚBLICA. SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DOS ASSUNTOS FISCAIS - Relatório do Grupo para o Estudo da Política Fiscal Competitividade, Eficiência e Justiça do Sistema Fiscal