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Birds' modern insurance law

AUTOR: John Birds

EDITOR: Sweet & Maxwell : Thomson Reuters
ANO: 2019
RESUMO: Birds' Modern Insurance Law presents a concise yet analytical explanation of the fundamental principles of insurance law. Written in an accessible and straightforward manner the work covers everything from the history of insurance and regulation, through to the various forms of insurance such as life, and liability. Birds' Modern Insurance Law is firmly established as the leading text in this area of law. It is an essential work for undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as for those undertaking a related professional course. It is also an ideal reference source for legal and insurance professionals who want a quick reference guide.

Horário de Funcionamento
De 2.ª a 6.ª feira das 10.00h às 22.30h

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1749-024 LISBOA

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Tel.: + 351 21 751 55 00 – Ext. 711 e 713

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Universidade Lusófona