Títulos adquiridos

Drawing as a way of knowing in art and science

AUTOR: Gemma Anderson
TÍTULO: Drawing as a way of knowing in art and science

EDITOR: Intellect
ANO: 2019
RESUMO:  In recent history, the arts and sciences have often been considered opposing fields of study, but a growing trend in drawing research is beginning to bridge this divide. Gemma Anderson’s Drawing as a Way of Knowing in Art and Science introduces tested ways in which drawing as a research practice can enhance morphological insight, specifically within the natural sciences, mathematics, and art. Inspired and informed by collaboration with contemporary scientists and Goethe’s studies of morphology, as well as the work of artist Paul Klee, this book presents drawing as a means of developing and disseminating knowledge, and of understanding and engaging with the diversity of natural and theoretical forms, such as animal, vegetable, mineral, and four dimensional shapes. Anderson shows that drawing can offer a means of scientific discovery and can be integral to the creation of new knowledge in science as well as in the arts.

Horário de Funcionamento
De 2.ª a 6.ª feira das 10.00h às 22.30h

Campo Grande, 380 - B
1749-024 LISBOA

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Tel.: + 351 21 751 55 00 – Ext. 711 e 713

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