Títulos adquiridos

The Routlege Handbook on the international dimension of Brexit

AUTOR: ed.lit. Juan Santos Vara, Ramses A. Wessel
COTA: E/561-BC

EDITOR: Routledge
ANO: 2021
RESUMO: This handbook provides comprehensive and expert analysis of the impact of the Brexit process and the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on existing and future EU-UK relations within the context of both EU and international law.Examining the wider international law implications, it additionally assesses the complex legal consequences of Brexit for both the EU and the UK in their dealings with third states and other international organizations. With contributions from renowned specialists in the field of EU external action, each chapter will analyse specific policy areas to address key challenges arising from the Brexit process for the EU and the UK and propose solutions to overcome these problems. The handbook aims to fill a gap in research by assessing the consequences of Brexit under EU external relations law and international law. As such, it is hoped it will set the research agenda for coming years on the international dimension of Brexit.

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